Jendamark manages Covid-19 threat to business continuity
WITH Covid-19 posing a daily, and costly, threat to business continuity, one Port Elizabeth-based automation company has developed a new health and engagement app to manage employee wellness in its operations around the globe.
Jendamark Automation, which builds high-tech production lines and special-purpose machinery for the global automotive sector, has put its 4IR-tech to work with the new Odin Health app, now also available to customers.
According to Jendamark’s digital strategy director, Yanesh Naidoo, the app started out as an attempt to solve their internal Covid-19-related challenges when it came to the implementation of the new health and safety policies and procedures.
However, Jendamark quickly realised its potential to assist other automotive players and businesses of all sizes across a range of industries.
“It all began with us trying to manage the re-opening of our offices in South Africa, India, Germany and the United States,” explains Naidoo.
“With over 600 employees and all the different Covid-19 rules and regulations in each country, the admin required was pretty intensive.
“Things have also been changing, and changing fast. So we needed one communication channel through which to communicate any new developments, procedures and policies to our employees.”
Thus, Odin Health was born, comprising a mobile app downloadable onto employees’ phones, with a desktop management system used by the company’s health and safety officers.
Naidoo says the basic functionality starts with every employee completing a daily screening survey to check for any red-flag symptoms before he or she leaves home.
Then, when the employee arrives at work, his or her temperature is checked and recorded on the system. The employee is only allowed access to the premises once both of these steps have been completed and the results are within the required parameters.
“The automotive industry is a large employer and when someone on staff tests positive for Covid-19, you have to shut down the section they are in, and ensure that all the affected employees know what to do, resulting in production delays. While this app won’t stop infections from occurring, it can certainly help to manage the situation calmly and effectively,” says Naidoo.
The app also allows employees to report any health issues to their managers should they arise during the course of the working day.
Additional functionalities include quizzes to check that employees understand the new standard operating procedures, as well as mental health and wellness surveys.
“We’re all struggling in some form with the challenges of this pandemic. So the surveys are a great way for us to check on our team’s psychological well-being and morale. It’s a pretty powerful tool,” explains Naidoo.
Looking beyond Covid-19, he sees the app being used to push free training and development opportunities, and other employee engagement initiatives, to staff.
Outside of Jendamark and its automotive customers, Odin Health is currently used by a range of retail and FMCG clients, security services, schools and other organisations.
The app cost is R17 per employee per month, with reduced pricing for large businesses operating at scale.
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