KPMG, NAACAM associate member, hosted a webinar to present the results of the Global Automotive Executive Survey 2020. The survey of 1154 automotive executives and more than 2000 consumers from 30 countries reveals one development in particular: the divergence of the global automotive market, accelerated by COVID-19.
KPMG EMA Strategy Lead for the Automotive Sector, Tobias Naujoks, shared key highlights of the survey. This was followed by a panel discussion with industry leaders within the automotive industry.
Key topics to be covered in the webinar included:
- Megatrends: KPMG will tap into the obvious and, even more importantly, the non-obvious megatrends that fundamentally shape the way we do business in the industry.
- Product Value: In a post-COVID-19 world, the product may take on a protective role. Powertrains will co-exist, and investment strategies will be dependent on local industry politics and raw material access.
- Customer Value: Understanding your customer at individual touchpoints is key – customer mobility decisions will be driven by data privacy & security, TCO, and a seamless and smooth mobility experience.
- Ecosystem Value: Exploring the secrets behind the ecosystem value, and realise that an investment into the “living matrix” may carry you to the next level.
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