22 August – Congratulations to Toyota SA and NAACAM member Toyota Tsusho for the investment launch of Ogihara Corporation at the Dube Tradeport in one of the largest recent automotive localisation projects in the KZN supplier base. As part of the Thai Summit Group, Ogihara Corporation specialises in body press dies, stamped body parts and vehicle inspection jigs.
Speaking at the launch event, TSAM CEO, Andrew Kirby indicated that imported components being produced by Ogihara would move TSAM assembled vehicles close to the 60% local content aspiration of SAAM35, use 25000 tons of steel, and bring in approximately R700m worth of additional local production. Along with the manufacturing facility, the company has also established a new South African affiliate that will manage its business with TSAM and its African operations.
Applauding this investment and reaffirming the dtic’s commitment to the sector, dtic Minister Parks Tau confirmed that the government will continue implementing and enhancing masterplans of key sectors such as an automotive to grow SA’s industrial base.
NAACAM CEO, Renai Moothilal offered welcoming comments at the event and reflected, “this is the magic created in autos manufacturing when a global OEM and its tier 1 component partner combine to bring economic benefits in so many seemingly unrelated spaces. TSAM must also be recognised for its long-term commitment as a high local content OEM in SA”. #DrivingLocalisation #WeAreNAACAM